Invite your teammates to Pause
Only Admins can invite new members onto Pause.
Step 1: Log in to Pause on
Step 2: Click on the Members/Teams button on the navigation bar.
Step 3: Click on the Invite members button on the right.

Step 4: Enter the Emails of the teammates you want to add to your organisation.

Note: You can even invite teammates through Slack by connecting Pause with Slack first.
**To invite teammates:**
Step 1: Log in to Pause on
Step 2: Click on the Members/Teams button on the navigation bar.
Step 3: Click on the Invite members button on the right.

Step 4: Enter the Emails of the teammates you want to add to your organisation.

Note: You can even invite teammates through Slack by connecting Pause with Slack first.
Updated on: 23/06/2022
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